Determine whether or not the following two advertisements are effective. Identify the audience you believe each ad is appealing to and why. Explain your answer. Advertisement #1 is an ad from a funeral service. Advertisement #2 is from Chevrolet.
Look at the following two advertisements. How have the companies creatively used language in their favor? Who is their audience? What is the subject? What is their purpose?
Picture A: Speaker is Nike
Picture B: Speaker is M&M

When we meet someone for the first time, the first thing we tell them is our name. This one utterance is so much of our identification. Without it, who are we?

Where did your name come from? Does it have special meaning? Are you named after anyone? Do you have a nickname? Do you even like your name? Would you prefer a different name? Do you go by a different name? 


    Ms. Bertone
    Salem High School
    B.A. in English from Assumption College
    M.A. in English from Salem State University

    However, y'all are the true others of this blog with each comment that you post! :)


    November 2013
    October 2013
    September 2013

